The International Tchaikovsky Online Piano Competition
for Young Musicians

The International Tchaikovsky Online Piano Competition for Young Musicians is dedicated in memory of one of the greatest composers, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893). This competition is held to motivate young pianists, up to 17 years of age, of different nationalities to master classical music repertoire and to provide them with an opportunity to be consulted by leading musicians and professors on their performance skills. It also provides the opportunity to perform on a global online platform as well as a chance to perform live with an orchestra.

Alexander Sokolov
Alexander Sokolov is a professor andrector of the Moscow State TchaikovskyConservatory. From 2004 to 2008 heldthe post of Minister of Culture andMass Communication of the RussianFederation. From 1964 to 1967 studiedat the Gnesins Secondary Music Schooland received a silver medal uponcompletion. In 1968 he became astudent of the Musicology Departmentat the Moscow Conservatory andreceived diploma cum laude in 1973.

Tamás Ungár
A regular guest artist at numerous musiccenters in the United States, he alsoperforms and teaches frequently allover the globe. Between the 2010-2015seasons, he performed over 90 concertsin America, Australia, Brazil, Colombia,Hungary, Romania, England, Taiwan,Hong Kong, The People’s Republic ofChina, Korea and Japan. Some of thehighlights of those seasons includeperformances with the SacramentoSymphony Orchestra, performing assoloist/conductor of Mozart PianoConcertos at the University of Leeds,as Artist-in-Residence and a return visitto present a solo recital and masterclass series at the Liszt Academy inBudapest.

Daejin Kim
Daejin Kim is one of the leading pianistsand pedagogues in Korea. In 1985 hewon the first prize in the prestigious 6thRobert Casadesus International PianoCompetition (presently, the ClevelandCompetition). Since then, he hasperformed in recital and with orchestrasin major cities throughout the UnitedStates, Europe, and Asia. In recognitionof his achievements, he was awarded‘the Professor of the Year’ Award by theMusic Association of Korea and recently,he received ‘the Artist of the Year’decoration by the Ministry of Culture inKorea.

Kyung-Sook Lee, Pianist
One of Korea’s foremost pianists,studied at the Curtis Institute of Musicin Philadelphia under MieczyslawHorszowski and Rudolf Serkin. In 1967after completing her studies at theCurtis Institute of Music, she went on towin prizes at the Philadelphia OrchestraAuditions and the Geneva InternationalMusic Competition.Performed with many internationalorchestras including the PhiladelphiaOrchestra, L’Orchestre de la SuisseRomande, Hong Kong PhilharmonicOrchestra, Royal PhilharmonicOrchestra, Prague Symphony Orchestra,Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, andTokyo Philharmonic Orchestra. Inrecognition of her remarkable musicalachievements, she was awardednumerous prizes and accolades overthe years.

Vladimir Ovchinnikov
Vladimir Ovchinnikov is the People’sArtist of Russia. Award-winningpianist and a graduate of the MoscowConservatory where he studiedunder Aleksey Nasedkin. Professorat the Moscow Conservatory andguest professor at Sakuyo University(Japan). The only pianist ever to winthe top prizes at both the InternationalTchaikovsky Competition in Moscow(1982) and the Leeds International PianoCompetition (1987). The principal of theCentral Music School at the MoscowConservatory (2011-2016).

Soyoung Yoon
Soyoung Yoon received a Bachelor’s andMaster’s degrees in Piano Performancefrom Hanyang University (Seoul) as astudent of Chung Yoon Park.She continued her studies in theUnited States at the University of Texasat Austin where she completed herDoctor of Musical Arts degree in 2003as a student of Anton Nel. By 2008 shefurther received her Artist Diploma fromthe University of Cincinnati’s College-Conservatory of Music under FrankWeinstock.Dr.

Yasuo Watanabe
Born in 1949, the son of Akeo Watanabe,a renowned conductor and founderof the Japan Philharmonic SymphonyOrchestra. After graduating fromthe composition department of theMusic High School of the Tokyo ArtsNational University, he studied at theNew England Conservatory of Musicin Boston. There he earned a Bachelorof Music Degree and the prestigiousArtist’s Diploma in piano, studying withTheodore Lettvin. He then went to theJuilliard School in New York where hestudied with Sascha Gorodnitzki andearned a Master’s Degree in pianoin 1975.

Pascal Nemirovski
Pascal Nemirovski is recognized asone of the most sought-after pianopedagogues in the world with many ofhis students winning top internationalprizes (Leeds, Ettlingen, YCA New York,YCAT London, BBC New GenerationArtist…) and are now successfulrecording artists represented by majorconcert artist management companies.He studied at the Juilliard School withNadia Reisenberg and Adele Marcuswhere he was awarded a full scholarship(Steinway & Freundlich Fund) and thenstarted to give concerts in Europe, theUnited States, and Asia.

Liu Shih Kun
Liu Shih Kun is a world-renowned Chinesepianist. When he was seventeen he receivedthe special prize at the Liszt InternationalPiano Competition in Hungary. In 1958,Mr. Liu won the second prize at theFirst Tchaikovsky International PianoCompetition in Moscow at the age of 19 (thefirst prize was given to the famous Americanpianist, Van Cliburn). Mr. Liu has performedin England and many other countries withprestigious orchestras under the batons ofKirill Kondrashin, Seiji Ozawa, Lorin Maazel,and others. Mr. Liu’s recording of the LisztPiano Concerto No.1, performed with theBoston Symphony Orchestra under thebaton of Japanese conductor Seiji Ozawa,was a bestseller around the world.

- Contact: Seoul
Map Seoul Cyber University
60 Solmae-ro, 49-gil, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 01133 -
E-mail application@iscu.ac.kr
Telephone +82-2-944-5648, 5661
- Contact: Moscow
Map Moscow, Arbat st. 35, of. 246
E-mail ivan@atcs.pro
Telephone +7-916-328-56-53